22 March 2020

Ships off Haiti, part 1

Some progress:

Here are the contents of the Haitian rebel ship package - hulls, masts, bowsprits, funnels, and deck guns!  Fortunately, there are good pics of the assembled models on the FB page, and line drawings in the Salnave's War book.  Phil (of Spithead Miniatures) also sent a helpful e-mail detailing some of the differences he decided for the models, and suggested painting guides.

After a bit of sorting, the models are ready for assembly.  I need to review my basing plan before going much further.

Last but not least, the government squadron is sorted.

15 March 2020

Back, again?

I am trying to get my wargaming 'sea legs' back!

A new arrival has piqued my interest:

These are 1/1200 ship models from Spithead Miniatures for the Haitian Revolution (Salnave's War) of 1867.  Also pictured above is an ACW 90-day gunboat and USS Benton.

To accompany these wonderful models, I picked up a copy of this:

This slender book is a concise source of information for the vessels and battles at sea during the revolution, including maps and drawings of all the ships present.