18 August 2024

Again with the delays...

 Welp, still here although hard to tell that recently!

Seems to be one problem after another and sometimes compounded - work getting worse with personnel shortages and technical issues, a bit of personal bad times as memories of my lovely wife that I thought were secured came flooding back, and assorted other things.  But, I am struggling my way through them...

The table, showing some actual progress which has not occurred for a few months - working on Infinity miniatures and some terrain for Warcrow.

Apologies to those bloggers that I try to visit; and I will attempt to keep in the swing of things here again.



  1. Good luck, Greg. It’s bound to turn around for you.

    1. Thanks Jon. There have been brief glimpses of a silver lining but we will see...

  2. Nice to see you back posting Greg, and with some decent progress on the painting table.

  3. Hey Greg, glad to see you posting again, you HAVE been missed! Sorry to read you have been faced with a number of different challenges recently, hopefully better times ahead 👍

  4. Glad to hear you're back at it, not a problem to come and go, I'm doing a bit of that myself!
    Best Iain

  5. Hang on in there Sir, life often throws up challenges, hopefully you find some sanctuary in this lovely hobby of ours 🙂

    1. Thank you - always finding my way back to this
