22 April 2018


A bit too long of a break between posts!  Even so, I will keep this one brief.

Many things are happening here, both hobby-wise and other-wise.  I am still struggling to shake off the lethargy that descended many months ago, but I am picking up more steam as I go.  There are old projects that will be revisited, and a new project or two that have suddenly sprung forth.  Once I get my photo editing woes out of the way, there will be more posts.  I just need to make it a habit once again...

And, my apologies to those who have blogs - I have been a very infrequent reader of even the blogs I enjoy, and a much less frequent commentator.  I hope to rectify this also.


  1. No rush. Take your time :)

    Best wishes,

  2. I think you're right about posting being a habit. Also, been thinking that smaller posts more frequently might be better than longer posts less often.

    Doing a review of 1:3000 Napoleonic ships by Forged in Battle, they are great and you should add them to your handy lists on the side bar!

    best, a.

    1. And I have fallen off the wagon again with regards to posts...

      Great review on your blog by the way!
