29 September 2023

The State of my Hobby, part 3

 So, where does all of this text leave me with regards to my toys?  How about a chart!

Hopefully that pic is readable.

I am going to start the periodic (and probably irregular) posting of this chart in the hope that it will keep me on course.  My hobby brain is wondrously capable of wandering off the path - which is to play games and not just think about them!

Out of all of these projects, the only one that is ticking off all of the boxes for play is BattleTech.  It has been the focus of much effort over the past 20 months or so.  Most of the others in Tier 1 just need as much concentrated effort as I put into BattleTech to become equally complete.  The exception is Warcrow, which has yet to be released.  The first miniatures, from the dungeon-crawler Kickstarter early this year, will be shipped Spring 2024, with the full tabletop game being released late Summer 2024.  Then why is it in Tier 1?  My sons are very interested and also backed the Kickstarter along with me; once the figures start to arrive they will get a lot of attention.  Also, I have a nice stash of terrain for 28mm which, when finished, will be used for Warcrow and potentially other projects.

Tier 2 is more problematic, and therefore more fluid.  My 1690 Ireland project, with very few resources here, should be lower on the list, but at the moment it is not.  I very much want to get this going, but there is a large amount of investment that has to occur first, both in purchases and thinking.  I have yet to decide on rules, and I want to have that settled first before more substantial shopping.

I am also giving more thought to naval and aviation.  Little to no terrain is needed to get started, and there are plenty of rules out there, especially for naval.  Obstacles at the moment include what era (for naval) and basing (for airplanes).  Lots to think about there, especially for naval, which can be discussed in another post!

Speaking of naval matters, I have imported all of the posts and comments from my other blog, Mini Ship Gaming, into this one.  More focus, more better, right?  

And to keep up the momentum for posting, there should be more posts about what I do play, historical or not.  In fact, I'll be getting together with my sons tomorrow; not certain about the game to be played but Warhammer 40K is likely.  Avert your eyes rross!!!



  1. There seems a nice variety of projects in that list Greg. I have never played a game of Warhammer but if any of our children were interested I would be tempted.

    1. Thanks. In the end, playing is the important part.

  2. Tackle the project that motivates you first...even if it is non-historical.

  3. A good selection of projects there to pick from, land, sea and air.

  4. I like the logic of your 1690 post,"should be lower on the list but at the moment is not"! Might be worth starting with Pikemans Lament and work towards pike and shot?
    Best Iain

    1. That would make a lot of sense Iain, but not the direction that I want to take. This should be a element-based project, I am reasonably certain of that.

  5. Beneath Lilly Banners covers the 1690, Williamite/Battle of the Boyne type era in great detail and Warrior Miniatures have nice figures, flags and CD Rom uniform info available in the US as Barry Hiltons partner is based there.......the rules are element based - might be a good place to start?

    1. You are right - League of Augsburg materials are on my list, and I have some of the 4Play packs downloaded already.
