10 March 2011

Tékumel naval?

Have you ever noticed how a short and seemingly innocent remark can snowball into something much bigger and take your hobby down a different path? Well, after some commentary on Chirine's blog - here and here - I have decided to do something about starting up a small series of fleets for some Tékumel naval gaming.

First off I need some more information, and Tita's has some copies of Qadárdàlikoi, so an order will be made soon.

Second, miniatures. 1/1200 might be too small, so I am going to investigate 1/600 minis.

Third, rules. Qadárdàlikoi will be looked at, and I have some older board games (Trireme and War Galley) as well, plus there are some free sets on the 'Net.

Distracting? Maybe...

Fun? You bet!



  1. My local game club plays Uncharted Seas occasionally. I looked at some of the ship models at Cold Wars, but with limited funds didn't get any.

  2. I have not looked at Uncharted Seas much, but the ships are nice.
