29 October 2018


Not much is happening here on the hobby table as far as naval projects go, but hopefully that will end soon enough.

I have purchased a few books to help stoke the boilers a bit:

Many directions these tomes lead!


  1. But which to read first is the question...😀

  2. Nice collection - looking mighty nautical! :)

  3. I have read Thucydides' The Peloponnesian Wars three times in my life, once as a kid, again as a young adult and the last time in my 40's. It was that good and written by a historian who actually fought through it all. I remember there was a lot of naval conflict throughout the wars. I may have to try and find that Naval History book.

  4. "The Chinese Steam Navy"? Man, I thought some of my areas of interest were obscure!😁 Seriously though, all of those titles look interesting. I agree with Stew: where to start first?

    1. I admit to using a wide net for books that might interest me someday, and it was not expensive!

  5. Greg, looking forward to your return on this naval blog. Apparently none of these books fired up the creative naval juices?
